chomp-bracesHi Kids. My name is Chomp and I’m the mascot for Snodgrass-King Pediatric Dental Associates. As you can see I am a very large, but very friendly alligator. I’m a jolly gator with a lot of straight teeth and a smile that I love to show off. I owe these teeth to my Mom, Dad, Dr. King and Dr. Snodgrass. You see, they teamed up shortly after I hatched to make sure my teeth stayed healthy and straight during my growing years.

Leaving the swamp to come to their office was one of my favorite adventures growing up – we don’t have video arcades in the swamp, so I loved that part. I have grown to be so fond of the Doctors and all of the staff at Snodgrass-King. I have learned over the years how important it is to look after my teeth – can you imagine how scary I would look with all of these teeth if they were yellow, broken, and dirty? At Snodgrass-King, I learned how to brush and floss, what foods are good for my teeth, all about sealants, and the importance of a big beautiful smile. When my baby teeth fell out, I looked funny – can you imagine my big alligator mouth with hardly any teeth in it? Now my big teeth have grown in and with the help of the orthodontists at Snodgrass-King, I now have a full mouth of the whitest, straightest, smoothest chomper’s ever. I love to smile and show them off and tell everyone how great it is at Snodgrass-King. In fact, I am such a big fan that Doctor Snodgrass asked me if I would like to be the mascot, so that I can help other children (and alligators) get a smile that they’re proud of. I feel so good about my teeth that it makes me want to smile all the time. I really want to help you feel that way too.

I do hope that I will get to meet you one day at the office or at an event. Maybe we can hang out in the waiting room and play some arcade games or I will be around to show you how to brush your teeth properly. Make sure you always ask if I am at the office and if I’m there, I will come and see you and see how you are doing with taking good care of your teeth.

Your friend, Chomp!