Tooth Talk Dental Articles
Preferred TN Pediatric Dentist – Dental Care for Kids
Why we’re the preferred pediatric dentist in Middle TN Snodgrass-King pediatric dentist in Tennessee One of the reasons Snodgrass-King is the preferred pediatric dentist for Middle Tennessee is the unique balance [...]
Pediatric Crossbite Correction | Braces, Retainers, Fluoride, OH MY!
Pediatric Crossbite Correction | Braces, Retainers, Fluoride, OH MY! While you probably know the definition or could identify an overbite, have you ever heard of a crossbite? If not, Snodgrass [...]
An Orthodontic Cleaning Guide: For Parents Who Aren’t Dentists
An Orthodontic Cleaning Guide You just made a major investment in braces…. now what? Well, whether that investment was for your child or for yourself the ultimate goal is to [...]
Why Flossing is Essential for a Healthy Smile
Why Flossing is Essential for a Healthy Smile Keep your teeth healthy through daily flossing Have you ever wondered if the dentist can actually tell if you've flossed your teeth regularly [...]
Tips for Teaching Children About The Importance Of Tongue Cleaning
Tips for Teaching Children About The Importance Of Tongue Cleaning It’s tough getting kids to brush their teeth, but parents face another challenge. Teaching children about the importance of tongue cleaning [...]
Reasons Your Child Needs A Dental X-Ray
Reasons Your Child Needs A Dental X-Ray New parents may be skeptical about taking their child in for their first dental x-ray, but the American Dental Association - backed by studies [...]
Strange Mouth Symptoms? Your Guide To Oral Psoriasis
Your Guide to Oral Psoriasis An estimated 2 to 3 percent of the population suffers from psoriasis of the skin. We are a dental practice, so you might be wondering [...]
Cavities Are Not Just For Kids | Adult Cavities & Reasons
Cavities Are Not Just for Kids | Reasons Adults Get Cavities When you think about cavities, you may think about sugary treats, sodas, and cereals. Foods that most likely caused [...]
5 Dental Figures to Celebrate Black History Month
5 Dental Figures to Celebrate Black History Month The dental profession has been around for centuries (formally since about the 1700s). Thousands of researchers, hygienists, and doctors have contributed to the [...]
Your Child’s First Dental Visit (and What You Should Know)
Your Child’s First Dental Visit (and What You Should Know) Parents always want what is best for their child, especially in those first few years of life. While your child’s [...]
What to Know About Tartar and Your Teeth
What to Know About Tartar Build-Up and Your Teeth Do you feel your teeth are looking a little more yellow, or noticing sudden tartar build-up with discoloration in between your [...]
Unusual & Alternative Uses for Dental Hygiene Products
Do You Know About These Alternative Uses For Dental Hygiene Products? Did you know that the dental hygiene products sitting in your bathroom cabinet have many alternative uses? That’s right; products [...]
9 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth
Keeping your teeth healthy takes more than regular brushing, as what you eat & drink can affect your oral health. Here are 9 foods to avoid!
Tooth Development of Children: A Guide for Parents
Tooth Development of Children: A Guide for Parents Every parent wants to know that their child is healthy and on track for a lifetime of smiles. When should my child’s first [...]
How to Find the Right Toothbrush
How to Find the Right Toothbrush At an early age, we’re taught the importance of brushing our teeth every day. However, many people don’t think about the quality of their [...]
Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids Oral Hygiene Habits
Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids Oral Hygiene Habits Teaching your child oral hygiene is foundational in their long term health. However, it’s no easy task! Instilling proper brushing and flossing [...]
Teaching Your Children About Dental Health
Teaching Your Children About Dental Health In terms of present-day, dental health is a general term for the overall health and status of your mouth. Dental health is another way [...]
How Preventive Dentistry Can Help Your Oral and Financial Health
How Preventive Dentistry Can Help Your Oral and Financial Health Preventive dentistry can often offer you huge benefits, both financially and for your dental health. People tend to contact a [...]
Understanding Sedation Dentistry
Understanding Sedation Dentistry Trips to the dentist may invite anxiety for some people. However, oral hygiene is extremely important to your dental health as well as your overall health and confidence. [...]
How to Prepare Your Child for Braces
How To Prepare Your Child for Braces Once your child’s baby teeth have fallen out and permanent teeth have grown in, they may be ready for braces. Though, some kids [...]
Long-Term Benefits of Braces for Children
Long-Term Benefits of Braces for ChildrenAre you on the fence about getting braces for your kid? With around 4 million teens rocking braces in North America alone, it's totally natural to [...]